24/11/4(MON/Public holiday) Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre & JII Collaborative Event – Seeking Guest Participants for a Theater Workshop! Why not create a theater play based on your experiences and thoughts?


This is a special opportunity especially for those interested in theater and artistic expression.

JII is collaborating with the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre to recruit guest participants for a theater workshop which will be collaboratively created alongside local citizens on November 4th.

Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre is holding a “Theater Coordinator Training Course” to develop the skills of people who can connect our society with theater. From October 28th to November 4th, we welcomed Anna Beata Schmutz, artistic director of the citizen ensemble at the Mannheim National Theater in Germany, will be hosting a workshop and lecture entitled “Rethinking ‘Us’ – Living Together with Local Citizens through Theater Creation,” where participants will learn about the theory and practice of creating with people from diverse backgrounds.

※Details of the course: https://www.geigeki.jp/performance/event329/

In the workshop on November 4th, the final day of the course, guest participants will work with aspiring theater coordinators who have taken the training course to create a play based on the concept of “Home”. The play will be based on themes such as what the guest participants feel and experience on a daily basis as foreigners living in Japan.

If you are interested in theater and artistic expression, or if you have never been involved in theater before but are interested and would love to express your experiences, we encourage you to apply!

The workshop will be led by Director Beata and will include a Japanese translation, but if you have difficulty communicating in Japanese, please invite a partner of your own or consult with JII (we will assign someone who can interpret). If you can speak Japanese, you may participate alone.

If you have an Otonari-san partner and would like to participate, Japanese people are welcome to join as well, so please invite your partner and participate together.

  • Date and time: Monday, November 4th, 2024 (National Holiday) 13:30-16:00 (2.5 hours)
  • Venue: Shinjuku NPO Collaboration Promotion Center Multipurpose Room 1
  • Access: https://snponet.net/%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BB%E3%82%B9/
  • Address: 4-36-12 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
  • Train: 12-minute walk from Ochiai Station or Shimo-Ochiai Station, or a 15-minute walk from Takadanobaba, Higashi-Nakano, Okubo, Higashi-Nakano, and Nakai Stations
  • Capacity: Up to 20 people (16 years old [high school students] and older)
  • Eligibility: OFP members or those introduced by a member (We are essentially looking for foreign participants, but if someone is coming to support his/her partner, you can also have your Otonari-san [a Japanese volunteer] participate)
  • Items to bring/clothing, etc.: Comfortable clothes, indoor shoes
  • How to apply: https://forms.gle/Mq1GGXoWPduozUnd6
  • Deadline: October 20th

*Photos and videos recording the event may be used in Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre’s public relations materials, website, social media, video streaming, etc.

Contact: info@j-ii.org




此次活动是东京艺术剧场“剧场策划人研修班”的一部分,旨在培养能够将舞台艺术与市民社会紧密结合的人才。活动特别邀请了德国曼海姆国立剧场市民乐团部艺术总监贝亚塔·安娜·施穆茨(Beata Anna Schmutz),于10月28日至11月4日亲自指导学员进行研修。研修班以“重新审视‘我们’——通过舞台艺术实现与市民的共生”为主题,包含系统化的实践演习和讲座。在研修结束时,研修学员将与来自不同背景的嘉宾们共同进行艺术创作。




本次活动由贝亚塔导演全程指导,并配有日语翻译。如果日语交流有困难,可以邀请你的日本朋友(otonarisan)一同参加;如果你还没有找到合适的·otonarisan,也可以联系JII帮你寻求志愿者翻译的帮助。如果你能够用日语交流,也可以独自参加。 (本次活动以邀请外国嘉宾为主,但若你与日本朋友共同报名,你的朋友也可以作为嘉宾一起参加创作。)


  • 日期和时间:2024年11月4日(周一/节假日)13:30-16:00(2.5小时)
  • 地点:新宿NPO协作推进中心多功能室1
  • 地址:东京都新宿区高田马场4-36-12
    • 最近车站:落合站、下落合站步行12分钟;高田马场站、东中野站、大久保站、中井站步行15分钟
  • 嘉宾名额:20人(按报名顺序,年龄需为16岁以上)
  • 参加条件:OFP会员或由有OFP会员介绍
  • 所需物品:活动方便的着装、室内鞋
  • 报名截止日期:2024年10月20日


