イベントに参加する Participate in an Event

よみかた(カタカナ) Name (In Katakana)※
性別 Gender
参加人数 Number of participants
日本語力レベル Level of Japanese Proficiency

・After submitting the application form, please continue and pay the participation fee according to the payment methods outlined on the submission page.
・Payment of the participation fee will confirm the completion of your application.

※ 送信ボタンを押すと、入力した内容のコピーが自動返信メールで届きます。
※ After you click the submit button, you will automatically receive a confirmation email containing a copy of the information you submitted.
※ 届かない場合は、メールアドレスの入力間違い、もしくはこちらからのメールが迷惑メールに振り分けられている可能性があります。迷惑メールフォルダに届いていない場合は、お手数ですが再度入力・送信をお願い致します。
※ If you did not receive the email, your email address may have been mistyped, or there’s a possibility that it was sent to your spam folder. If the email was not sent to your spam folder, we apologize for the inconvenience and kindly ask that you reapply to the event.
Please refer to the following link for instructions on how to do this. → Request for Adjusting Email Reception Settings